Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Well here I am....

....a blogger at last. This is not as easy as I thought but what the hell.

So! Why am I here? As a blogger that is, not literally on this earth, we'll leave that one to the great thinkers of this world. Well, I am working on a photographic book study about men and their perceptions of themselves in and out of their clothes. Its a great concept and I have met and photographed some great characters along the way. For example and by way of my first outing, you can see some photos of Richard (who prefers to be called Dick) who whilst at the outset was somewhat hesitant, eventually let loose and produced some pretty damn good shots. Let me know what you think of Dick's photos. Would you want to see more?

However, I also want to use this blog as a way of encouraging guys to be brave and model for the book. It's not easy to get guys to get their clothes off. I understand this, I would rather spend a day on a leper colony than be photographed nude. But there are guys out there less inhibited than myself. Is that you? Do you want to be preserved at your best for posterity? Do you think you can become art?

If this is the case and you are between the age of 18 and 40 (ish) and are of average to fit build drop me a line. You will be surprised, everyone of my models has really enjoyed doing this and you might too.

Of course you would have to be based in Australia and be able to get to the Gold Coast or Brisbane but that is only a small issue, isn't it?! You may be travelling you may want to travel. 

Whatever the situation, it will only ever start with an email from you.

So go on drop me a line.

Free yourself!

